St Luke's Church
The Parish of Modbury and Golden Grove
25 Smart Road Modbury SA 5092
An Anglican Church in the Diocese of Adelaide, South Australia
growing in faith, building community, sharing hope

About us
Above all we are a Christian Church and we are also an Anglican Church
What does it mean to be Anglican? How do we differ from other Churches?
We are in a Communion of over 70 million people, spread all over the world.
We see ourselves as both Catholic and Reformed.
We base what we believe on Scripture – but have a very high regard for both Tradition and Reason.
We are an Episcopal Church – led by bishops.
We are a sacramental church.
We hold to the teachings of the early Councils of the Church, and the beliefs expressed in the Creeds.
We are not the church – we are part of the Universal Church.
We have our origins in the Church of England – but all parts of the Anglican Church are autonomous.
We hold the Archbishop of Canterbury in high esteem – but he is the first among equals.
We do not think that we know the right way – but we are willing to look for it!
We have as many failings as everyone else!
We try to welcome everyone.