St Luke's Church
The Parish of Modbury and Golden Grove
25 Smart Road Modbury SA 5092
An Anglican Church in the Diocese of Adelaide, South Australia
growing in faith, building community, sharing hope
Diocese and in Kajo-Keji Easter 2018
Christ is risen. He is risen indeed Alleluia!
This Easter greeting has been used through the centuries as we celebrate the
risen Christ on Easter Sunday. But to truly celebrate this great day, we
need to travel the road of the cross with Jesus through Holy Week, to grasp
how long and deep and wide is the love of Christ for us, that he was able to
make this excruciatingly painful sacrifice on our behalf. We have been
rescued from the darkness of these days into the glorious light of the
resurrected Christ.
So we rejoice in the ways God is transforming people's lives on the camps,
in the Diocese and in Kajo-Keji Christian College and we ask you to pray
with us that we will continue to be beacons of light as God's Easter people,
not just on one day, but all through the year. Especially that we will
continue to witness to God's love in the midst of political unrest and
uncertainty, trusting in God's transforming work in our beloved country of
South Sudan, which we long to return to.
Thank you for your interest in and support & prayers for the work of the
Diocese and College - you are all appreciated greatly.
A joyful Easter to all our readers