St Luke's Church
The Parish of Modbury and Golden Grove
25 Smart Road Modbury SA 5092
An Anglican Church in the Diocese of Adelaide, South Australia
growing in faith, building community, sharing hope
Lenten study - 2021
God of Compassion: A Lenten Study
No one will forget 2020. It was a year when the struggles and griefs of daily life became the subject of public decisions and debate, and the ease with which anyone can become vulnerable was brought home to us with renewed force. We have been reminded daily that we are all dependent on each other, and our actions affect people we may never meet. Interdependence is familiar to anyone who walks with our compassionate God. The Public Issues Commission in the Diocese of Canberra Goulburn, with the support of Anglicare, is offering a six-week study which looks at what God has to tell us about compassion in the public sphere: for those in our parish, in our Anglican communion, nationally and intergenerationally. Some key themes include: aged care, reconciliation with First Peoples, inequality, climate change, refugees and asylum seekers. We invite
you to travel with Jesus to the cross who, in his life, death and resurrection, reminded us of the priorities of God: justice, mercy and compassion for those we don’t know or don’t understand, poured out on those who have been marginalised, the hurt and forgotten, the proud and foolish, those who have and those who do not. The Lenten Studies will challenge us to think about our circles of care, and hopefully to enlarge them a little.
Produced by the Diocese of Canberra Goulburn in conjunction with Anglicare.
Lent studies will commence at St Luke’s in the week beginning 22 February. Four study groups will again be offered:
- Monday 6-7.30 pm with Rev’d Joan at church;
- Tuesday 2-3.30 pm at Dot Possingham’s house;
- Tuesday 7.30-9pm at Colin and Dany Fidock’s house;
- Friday 2-3.30 pm with June Hindmarch at church.
Please indicate your interest by adding your name to the list at the back of the church.
The Lenten study notes can be downloaded as a PDF from the link below:
God of Compassion: A Lenten Journey